All my presentations can now be found on my YouTube-Channel Unzicker's Real Physics
My talks on Demystify Science
Mathematics as a Meaningful Starting Point Youtube
Hidden Chapters of Physics: Elastic Aether Youtube
Material Basis of Stars Revisited Youtube
Critique of particle physics Youtube DPG-meeting 2014
Simplicity to its Extreme Youtube DPG-meeting 2015
Einstein's Unrecognized Masterstroke Youtube DPG-meeting 2015
General Relativity and Variable Speed of Light Youtube DPG-meeting 2015
Unzicker On Robitaille's Solar Model Youtube auf der AG-meeting Bamberg 2014
Debatte am HITS Heidelberg Youtube über Kosmologie Juni 2013
Rational Physics Conference in Salzburg (2014) Youtube about current physics
Oct 31, 2013: Statement at Deutschlandradio Kultur about 2013's Nobel prize in physics
Sept 5, 2013: Euroscientist How Particle Physics is Eroding the Scientific Method
June 19, 2013: Panel discussion at HITS Heidelberg about cosmology:
Is the standard model of cosmology still reliable? (YouTube)
May 22, 2013: Panel discussion with Prof. Naumann (ATLAS, CERN)
Teilchenphysik - wohin? (German) Mp3 YouTube

Talk at the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias:
What's Wrong with Physics (Video), Oct 30, 2012, abstract
Articles about physics
Quo Vadis, Teilchenphysik?
Russische Boni für das CERN
Non-physics articles
Ich werde auch nervös
Hunger - gefällt mir nicht
Ihr Seid doch nicht das Volk!
Bitte um Frieden in Europa