Dr. Alexander Gerhard Unzicker
Physicist und Author
Physics is my passion. To understand how galaxies, stars and planets have formed from coulds of primordial hydrogen, and to comprehend how billions of years of evolution have led to today's civilization, reamins utterly fascinating for me.
Thus the search for the ultimate laws of nature in physis and cosmology continuously accompanies me. Pursuing these matters led me to hold physicists such as Einstein, Schrödinger and Dirac in high respect, because those founding fathers of modern physics have been researching in all fundamental fields, from cosmology to particle physics. Indeed, there are many unknown gems in their papers, while a lot of problems they have named remained unsolved to this day.
I my life, I have always tried to deepen my knowledge without narrowing it, and what I have learned in law, and neuroscience and as a teacher helps me to understand physics as a whole. In particular, dealing with the history, methodology and philosophy of science led me to scrutinize the current standard models of physics and to challenge their validity, and to point out some obvious aberrations. My book was given the “Science book of the year” award by the German science journal "Bild der Wissenschaft“ , and its English edition “Bankrupting Physics - How Today’s Top Scientists Gambled Away Their Credibility” was published by Palgrave Macmillan. Another very controversial book was "The Higgs Fake – How Particle Physicists Fooled the Nobel Committee".
My biggest source of motivation are book about and by physicists of past times, such as Ernst Mach, Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, Paul Dirac, Robert Dicke und Richard Feynman. Recently, I’ve been impressed by books of Nassim Taleb, Daniel Kahnemann, Nick Bostrom and Jean Ziegler.
I am happy and grateful for the privilege to dedicate a significant part of my life to science. I think that freedom and peace, which can be found in this country more than elsewhere, cannot be taken for granted and require our care - and in this respect, particular attention is needed for the information that we get from the media.
I’d be happy if you follow my views about physics and other matters on twitter or facebook. Apart from physics, my recreational activities are hiking, jogging, playing chess and the piano, and having fun with my family. We all can just hope to contribute a little to the respect humankind may get from future civilizations.